Friday, December 15, 2006

We few, We happy few...

The title quote comes from this:

It is one of my favorite passages. If you've never heard it read or recited with passion...well, you're missing something. How does it play in to how I'm feeling today? That's a good question, and it's a little hard to explain, but let me try.

That passage is basically someone talking about the fight they are about to endure and what it will mean to the rest of their lives. As I talk to my friends, I keep hearing about some of the battles they are fighting day to day. I need people to survive these fights. I need them to thrive, and all I can say is that when they survive, they should be proud of their accomplishments.

From a friend's friend who is a mother dealing with a "family" that has no concept of love. No concept of support or how to provide a safe and loving environment. Everyone realizes that a child shouldn't be raised that way, but people should also realize that this woman shouldn't have to live this way either. I don't know her personally, but from what I've heard, she deserves much better (everyone deserves much better than how she's currently living.

To someone who is feeling alone and has felt alone for a long time. She has had some of the most difficult times for two years of anyone I know. I can't be there for her the way I wish I could, but I would give her anything, and I would do anything for her. She is a member of my family, and I love her. I want her to survive...I NEED her to survive (if you're reading this, find your happiness, whatever it might be, however small. Find the happiness and hold on to it, make it grow. I've told you before. I will tell you again. With happiness comes hope. With hope comes motivation. With motivation comes achievment. It can happen. It will happen).

To the friend who has lost his job, and instead of folding into depression and despair, he has turned it into a positive thing. He sees it as an oppurtunity, a new start. He sees it as fresh energy, a positive light. His optimisim is truly inspiring (which is really ironic considering his normal moods and attitudes).

To my wife. I can't say enough about my wife. She has taken on the task of working third shift so that she can spend days with our daughter and then go to work at night. This gives us an extra salary, and saves us the cost of daycare (which is very expensive). I'm not sure when she sleeps. I really don't know how she does it. I am so grateful to her for everything she gives to us. Her sacrifice is truly inspiring, and yet she just doesn't seem to realize how strong of a person she is.

So on this day of battle (as we fight through each day), know that we stand as a few, we happy few, we band of brothers....who will not only survive, but we will thrive.


At 4:42 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Your words, while not to me, gladden my heart so much. You know I love you, Big Brother.


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