Thursday, November 15, 2007

You ever get in one of THOSE moods....

Yeah, there's not good reason for it, I'm just in a bad mood. The problem is that I'm not coming out of it. It has been about a week now, and I am firmly lodged in a slump.

I'm several weeks away from the end of my last true semester of classes for my Masters (one independent study and one thesis to go after this). There are two major projects that I need to finish in that time, and I just can't bring myself to get motivated to do them. As usual, I will pull them outta my rear end in the last minute and turn in a sub standard project. Given the quality (or lack thereof) of my program, I'll probably still get a decent grade, but I'm not sure that should be the point of a graduate program. I would like to do more than "just get by".

One of my vehicles just went into the shop tonight for an electrical problem (Hey Don, how's that banner coming). I've had a check engine light on for a few months and occasionally, the gauges just die (the car continues to run fine). Sometimes, the car won't start if you turn the key, but if you wait long enough, the aux. power eventually kicks in and then the car starts just fine. I'm afraid this is going to be one of those "Well let's try replacing THIS and see if it fixes it. Oh, that didn't work, well bring it back in and we'll try fixing THAT and see if it fixes it". I really don't want it to become one of those progressively more and more expensive repairs. The car just really isn't worth that much.

On another front, I now have proof (soft of) that I suck at fighting. There's an online forum that I occasionally read. One of the topics of this forum recently was "who are the best unbelts in your kingdom". I didn't get mentioned once. I have no problem with any of the people who were mentioned. I respect each and every one of them. On the flip side, I have beaten most of them in tournaments (or at least in bear pits). They beat me too, but that means I should be at least in the same general skill level as them, and apparently I'm not. Or at least nobody who posts to that forum from my Kingdom seems to think so. This wouldn't have effected me so much if I wasn't in this mood, but I am, and so, it does. Once school is done, I really need to start fighting again regularly. Not just fighting to fight, but fighting to improve. There's a HUGE difference between the two, and I have gotten lazy in the second half of this year.

Finally, I'm just not happy with my house. I haven't had the time to put into keeping it clean much less working on improving it. Last weekend I started looking at house ads in the weekend paper because I'm not happy in my current home. That's just an excuse really. I'm looking to replace my general depression with something "new". Hell, I've considered new cars, new houses, new computers anything to just give me something new to focus on, but that's just a diversionary tactic. I have to find a way to get out of the funk that I've fallen into.

The one bright spot is my daughter. She had a bad rash last weekend, and she dealt with it like a real tropper. Sure, she was a little more cranky than usual, but she was still a laughing little baby girl. She's crawling all over the place now, and she takes stairs like a champ. She clearly says "Ma Ma" (at least I can understand it clearly) and she may even say "Da Da", but that sounds more like she's just making noise. The happiness I do find these days is holding my little girl. It sounds corny, but it just happens to be true. I'll have to work on letting that happiness grow before the next time I post.


At 10:35 AM, Blogger Megin said...

It's really hard to dig yourself out of a funk once you're in it... I know how that goes. And it isn't the LEAST bit corny that holding your little girl is your happiness right now. I couldn't get through the day without big hugs and kissing those chubby baby cheeks. Enjoy that time! Once they're walking they get a lot harder to catch for snuggles. ;)

I had a similar issue with my Jeep, oddly enough- lights on the panel and all the gauges would die randomly, and I could get them back on sometimes by repeatedly hitting the emergency light button. I never did figure out what the problem was. Hopefully it's just a minor electrical thing and the garage will get it sorted out posthaste.

I'll be sending good thoughts your way, and doubly this week since Allison won't be on the computer. ~Megin

At 10:35 AM, Blogger Megin said...

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At 8:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

THAT'S the last straw. I'm MAKING the damned banner, and we ARE hanging it outside camp next year...

At 8:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And BTW, I read that thread on the Archive - there were lots of good fighters not mentioned - don't think you were being singled out...! :-)


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